Personal Announcement Ad in The Hindu
Published in: Kerala
Ad Content: I, Ammu Menon declare that I have misplaced house deed no 829 signed and witnessed on 7 March 1991. The property is situated in Marutharode Panchayath in Palakkad District, Kerala is still in my possession and has not been sold.
Personal Announcement Ad in Navbharat Times
Published in: Mumbai
Tenant Muhammed Rishad C V has abandoned Flat 302, Bldg 24, Platinum Tower, Haware City, Thane (W) - 400615, leaving belongings behind. Despite multiple notices, no response received.
Belongings must be collected within 15 days, failing which they will be disposed of. Contact Owner: Chhaya Patil, Ph: 8879680392.
Personal Announcement Ad in Times of India
Published in: Pune
Ad Content: Notice is hereby given that the property situated at “City Survey No.8389/3B Railway Lines, Plot No. No.162/19A/3 Area 206.40 Sqmt, Solapur” belong to Mr. Siddheshwar Bhairu Sarvade and Mrs. Ashwini Siddheshwar Sarvade. Said property purchased by Mr. Siddheshwar Bhairu Sarvade and Mrs. Ashwini Siddheshwar Sarvade under Sale Deed dated 14.09.2010, registered as Document No.7965/2010, at the Office of Sub-Registrar Solapur North-1, Solapur. On 18.04.2023 on 18.04.2023 while travelling from Hotel Mantralaya, Solapur to Solapur Railway Station Mr. Siddheshwar Bhairu Sarvade had lost his Bag containing the said Original Sale Deed No.7965/2010 and some other documents. In this case he has filed formal complaint on 19.04.2023 at Sadar Bazar Police Station, Solapur. Incharge of Sadar Bazar Police Station issued Sale Deed Lost Certificate No.244/2023 on 20.04.2023. Further paper advertisement given on 19.05.2023 in Dainik Divya Marathi Solapur Edition at Page No.2. But till today the above Original Documents were not found. If anyone is in possession of these original documents they are requested to contact us and handover the same to the below address:
Mr. Siddheshwar Bhairu Sarvade
At Hotel Mantralaya Plot No. No.162/19A/3, City Survey No.8389/3B Railway Lines, Old Employment Chowk, Solapur 413 001 Maharashtra Contact No. 9822681971, 9822668818
Personal Announcement Ad in Sakshi
Published in: Karnataka
Ad Content: I, Abhisek Patra, resident of Bangalore, India is changing my religion from Hinduism to Islam by my own free will.
Personal Announcement Ad in Times of India
Published in: Delhi
Ad Content: Public Announcement: I Hina Chabra D/O Mohan Lal Chhabra have changed my Name from Hina Chhabra to Hina Chabra for all future purpose and acts.
Personal Announcement Ad in Ei Samay
Published in: Kolkata
Ad Content: SUBRATA MONDAL S/o Shankar Chandra Mondal and KARTICK CHANDRA MONDAL S/o Shankar Kumar Mondal Vill,PO Pashpur, Jangipara, Hooghly is the same and one identical person it is I declared 1st class Judicial Magistrate at Serampore, Hooghly dt 18.06.2024 No 6267 for Mouza Pashpur JL. No. 42 Kh. No. 107 Dag No. 122.
Personal Announcement Ad in Ei Samay
Published in: Kolkata
Notice is hereby given to the members of Rail Vihar Co-Operative Housing Society Ltd that the 17th Annual General Body Meeting of the Society will be held on 30.03.2025, Sunday at 10.00 a.m. at Rail Vihar. Notice with Agenda, Annual Report, Audited Accounts upto 23-24 etc will be delivered in the letter box of the members well before date of meeting.
(MANIK LAL GHOSH), Secretary.
Personal Announcement Ad in Malayala Manorama
Published in: Mumbai
Ad Content: [Template Error]
Personal Announcement Ad in Times of India
Published in: Chandigarh
Ad Content: मैं राजेश खन्ना पुत्र धर्मपाल खन्ना निवासी बी.21/21 वाराणसी संजय अपार्टमेंट वाराणसी उत्तर प्रदेश 221001.
ये घोषणा करता हूँ कि मेरा आधार कार्ड- 9171 5360 9013 व पैन कार्ड- BBSPK1453R पर नाम राजेश खन्ना अंकित है। एवं अन्य सभी जरूरी दस्तावेजों पर राजेश कुमार खन्ना अंकित है, उपर्युक्त दोनों ही नाम मेरे हैं किसी अन्य के नहीं, तो इन्हें एक ही व्यक्ति के नाम पढ़ा व समझा जाए|
Personal Announcement Ad in The Hindu
Published in: New Delhi
Ad Content: St.Jude Novena
" May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified,loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever.Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us, St.Jude worker of miracles pray for us, St.Jude helper of the hopeless pray for us"
Say this 9 times a day for 9 days your prayer will be answered by 9th day. It has never been known to fail.Publication must be promised.