Book Classified Ads online for following Categories in Newspapers of Allahabad:
Book Advertisement in the following Newspapers of Allahabad:
Amar Ujala Allahabad
Circulation - 175,438 copies
Dainik Jagran Allahabad
Circulation - 71,733 copies
Hindustan Hindi Allahabad
Circulation - 39,602 copies
Times of India Allahabad
Circulation - 10,786 copies
Inext Allahabad
Circulation - NA copies
Newspaper Advertising in Allahabad
Contact Newspaper Advertisement Department for Advertising in Allahabad:
Call on +918121003003 for any enquiry of advertisement in Allahabad Newspapers.
Authorized Ad Agency to Book Ad in Allahabad Newspapers
Ads2Publish is Authorized Agency to book Classifieds & Display advertisements for popular newspapers like
Amar Ujala,
Dainik Jagran,
Hindustan Hindi,
Times of India,
and other Newspapers in Allahabad.
Follow few easy steps in this website and book your ad in leading newspapers of Allahabad.
As an Newspaper Ad Agency we help you advertise effectively in all leading newspaper of Allahabad. You can always take help of our media experts to get the lowest quote and decide which newspaper would give you the best response among all newspapers of Allahabad.
Advantages of utilizing Allahabad Advertising Agency Services
- We offer extra discount on the newspaper tariff rates for all publications in Allahabad.
- Media expert help extended to leverage your advertising spends.
- Get Advertisement formatting and professional design assistance from our team to receive the best response.
- Customer Support team is always available to answer your queries and to track your order.
- And the best part avail of all these services at no extra cost.
Process of booking ad online for Allahabad Newspapers:
- First select Newspaper from the above list circulated in Allahabad.
- Then select the Category for which you wish to advertise
- Choose package Rate or Individual city Ad Rates of Allahabad Edition of selected Newspaper.
- Select Date from the calendar and if you are going for multiple insertions then you can also utilize special offers for multiple insertions like Pay for 2 and Get 1 Free available for Allahabad Edition
- Draft your Ad in English or Allahabad's local language taking the help of Ad Samples.
- And Finally make payment using various payment options like payment through Debit Cards, Credit Cards, Net Banking. You can also make offline payments through Cash, Cheque deposit or NEFT transfer in our Bank Account.
Ads2Publish, the leading Newspaper Advertising Agency in Allahabad has incorporated all Allahabad Newspapers in our online Ad booking system, therefore we ensure consistency in Newspaper Classified Ad Booking and availability of dates for all Allahabad Newspapers.
Latest Published Ads in Allahabad Newspapers:
Name Change Ad in Amar Ujala
Published for: Name Change
Published in: Allahabad
Ad Content: मैं, Nipun Agrawal, पुत्र Mr. Mukesh Agrawal, निवासी 13B/7 क्लाइव रोड, सिविल लाइंस, प्रयागराज - 211001,मेरे पासपोर्ट N4465862 में मेरा नाम गलत रूप से NIPUN AGARAWAL मुद्रित है,सही नाम NIPUN AGRAWAL है। इसी प्रकार, मेरी माता का नाम NIDHI AGARAWAL मुद्रित है,सही नाम NIDHI AGRAWAL है।
भविष्य में, मुझे NIPUN AGRAWAL और मेरी माता को NIDHI AGRAWAL के रूप में जाना और पहचाना जाए।
Name Change Ad in Times of India
Published for: Name Change
Ad Content: I Faiz Alam, S/O Anwar Alam Ansari R/O 92S/A-786 Ainuddinpur kareli Allahabad have changed my name to Faiz Alam Ansari.
Name Change Ad in Hindustan Hindi
Published for: Name Change
Published in: Allahabad
Ad Content: मैं, संजय पुत्र मुन्ना लाल पटेल निवासी दुधिया पलयें लालगोपालगंज, प्रयागराज उत्तर प्रदेश 229413 ने भविष्य के सभी उद्देश्यों के लिए अपना नाम बदलकर संजय कुमार पटेल रख लिया है।
Name Change Ad in Times of India
Published for: Name Change
Published in: Allahabad
Ad Content:
Name Change Ad in Amar Ujala
Published for: Name Change
Published in: Allahabad
Ad Content: मेरा पुराना नाम कुलदीप s/o हौसला प्रसाद पता चंद्रहास भैया
मेरा पुराना नाम कुलदीप से बदल कर कुलदीप प्रसाद कर दिया है
Name Change Ad in Times of India
Published for: Name Change
Published in: Allahabad
Ad Content: I old name kuladeep S/o Hausala Prasad
Address bhaiya chandrahas has changed my name from old name kuladeep to New name kuladeep Prasad vide
Name Change Ad in Times of India
Published for: Name Change
Ad Content: I,SONI GUPTA W/O Service No.4286446y Nk Upendra Kumar of 63 RR C/O 56 APO resident of ED- 06 ADA Colony Nani Dist,Prayagraj UP Affidavit No. IN-UP87014816699108X Date- 07/02/25 Declare that my Name and DOB in my Husband service record was wrongly mention as SONI DEVI, 04/04/1987 correct Name and DOB of Soni Gupta 04/04/1981 who is record in my aadhar card voter card matric and inter and all certificate
Name Change Ad in Amar Ujala
Published for: Name Change
Published in: Allahabad
Ad Content: I hitherto known as Mohd Waseem Shaikh S/O Mohd Mukim Sekh, Residing at Maghi Chaingarh, Pratapgarh, Uttar Pradesh, 230204, have changed my name and shall hereafter be known as Arman.
Name Change Ad in Times of India
Published for: Name Change
Ad Content: Km Kavita w/o Rabindra B Thakur I have changed my name to Kavita Thakur for all purposes Affidivit 15/12/2024
Name Change Ad in Times of India
Published for: Name Change
Ad Content: I, Rekha Mishra, W/o JC423087M Sub Awadhesh Kumar Mishra,Vikra,Derwa,Pratapgarh (U.P.),have my details incorrect in army records as Rekha Devi, 11/05/1981.By Aadhaar card, Rekha Mishra, 20/05/1979 is correct.
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