Advertising Agency in Dharamshala

  1. Newspaper Ads
  2. Dharamshala Newspaper Ad Agency

Newspaper Advertising Agency in Dharamshala !

Book your Classified or Display advertisement through trusted Advertising Agency in Dharamshala. We are a Newspaper Advertisement Agency serving to publish ads for Dharamshala Newspaper for the last 2 decades. As an Advertising Agency, we have served many clients based in Dharamshala for their newspaper advertisement needs. Over the period our ad agency has grown immensely and has been recognized as a foremost service provider in the field of Newspaper advertising in Dharamshala.

Call Us for Advertising in Dharamshala

Have Question? CALL US:+91-8121003003

Book Classified Ads online for following Categories in Newspapers of Dharamshala:

Book Advertisement in the following Newspapers of Dharamshala:

  • Amar Ujala Classified Ad Booking in Dharamshala
    Amar Ujala Dharamshala

    Circulation - 69,202 copies
  • Dainik Jagran Classified Ad Booking in Dharamshala
    Dainik Jagran Dharamshala

    Circulation - 18,000 copies
  • Divya Himachal Classified Ad Booking in Dharamshala
    Divya Himachal Dharamshala

    Circulation - NA copies
  • Dainik Savera Times Classified Ad Booking in Dharamshala
    Dainik Savera Times Dharamshala

    Circulation - NA copies

Newspaper Advertising in Dharamshala

Contact Newspaper Advertisement Department for Advertising in Dharamshala:

Call on +918121003003 for any enquiry of advertisement in Dharamshala Newspapers.

Authorized Ad Agency to Book Ad in Dharamshala Newspapers

Ads2Publish is Authorized Agency to book Classifieds & Display advertisements for popular newspapers like Amar Ujala, Dainik Jagran, Divya Himachal, Dainik Savera Times, and other Newspapers in Dharamshala.

Follow few easy steps in this website and book your ad in leading newspapers of Dharamshala.

As an Newspaper Ad Agency we help you advertise effectively in all leading newspaper of Dharamshala. You can always take help of our media experts to get the lowest quote and decide which newspaper would give you the best response among all newspapers of Dharamshala.

Advantages of utilizing Dharamshala Advertising Agency Services

  • We offer extra discount on the newspaper tariff rates for all publications in Dharamshala.
  • Media expert help extended to leverage your advertising spends.
  • Get Advertisement formatting and professional design assistance from our team to receive the best response.
  • Customer Support team is always available to answer your queries and to track your order.
  • And the best part avail of all these services at no extra cost.

Process of booking ad online for Dharamshala Newspapers:

  1. First select Newspaper from the above list circulated in Dharamshala.
  2. Then select the Category for which you wish to advertise
  3. Choose package Rate or Individual city Ad Rates of Dharamshala Edition of selected Newspaper.
  4. Select Date from the calendar and if you are going for multiple insertions then you can also utilize special offers for multiple insertions like Pay for 2 and Get 1 Free available for Dharamshala Edition
  5. Draft your Ad in English or Dharamshala's local language taking the help of Ad Samples.
  6. And Finally make payment using various payment options like payment through Debit Cards, Credit Cards, Net Banking. You can also make offline payments through Cash, Cheque deposit or NEFT transfer in our Bank Account.

Ads2Publish, the leading Newspaper Advertising Agency in Dharamshala has incorporated all Dharamshala Newspapers in our online Ad booking system, therefore we ensure consistency in Newspaper Classified Ad Booking and availability of dates for all Dharamshala Newspapers.

Latest Published Ads in Dharamshala Newspapers:

Name Change Ad in Amar Ujala
Published for: Name Change
Published in: Dharamsala

Ad Content: I hitherto known as Dola Ram S/O Narayan Singh, Residing at Flat Village- Kaliyala, Mohni (8/25), Kullu, Himachal Pradesh- 175123, have changed my name and shall hereafter be known as Vikrant Verma.

Name Change Ad in Amar Ujala
Published for: Name Change
Published in: Dharamsala

Ad Content: I , Pradeep Singh Narwariya, Yol Cantt (HP) f/o Tanavi Singh, declare that my daughter name has been wrongly entered in Army Public School, Yol Cantt (HP) as Tanvi Singh. Her correct name is Tanavi Singh.

Name Change Ad in Dainik Jagran
Published for: Name Change
Published in: Dharamshala

Ad Content: It is general information that I, Yatish J.P. S/o Sh. Jiwan Parkash Sharma R/o Ward No 7. Shiv Mandir Neelakanth, Mohalla Dhamdama, Main Bazar Una, Tehsil & District Una Himachal Pradesh-174303 declare that my father's name has been wrongly written as “Jeevan Prakash Sharma” in my 10th school certificate. The actual name of my father is “Jiwan Parkash Sharma” respectively, which may be amended accordingly.

Name Change Ad in Amar Ujala
Published for: Name Change
Published in: Dharamsala

Ad Content: Nitin s/o Chhanga Ram, DOB 16-11-2001,R/o vill saraina Po rakh teh & distt chamba HP, changed my name as Nitin Thakur

Name Change Ad in Amar Ujala
Published for: Name Change
Published in: Dharamsala

Ad Content: I Sohan Lal son of Shukru Ram R/o Badishil PO Shirar Tehsil & Distt. Kullu HP have changed my name to Sohan Rana

Name Change Ad in Dainik Jagran
Published for: Name Change
Published in: Dharamshala

Ad Content: I , ATTAR TAUFIQ RAMJAN (Name of Father) Father of ANAM (existing Name of Daughter as per change of next kin Record/Service Documents), Resident of At Khanapur, Tal Khanapur Dist Sangli State Maharashtra, PIN Code- 415307 (Address) have changed my Daughter name from ANAM (Existing Name of Daughter as per change of Next of kin Records / Service Documents) TO ANAM TAUFIQ ATTAR (Proposed / adopted New Name) Affidavite Dated:- 13/12/2024, Vita (Khanapur), Maharashtra-415307.

Name Change Ad in Dainik Jagran
Published for: Name Change
Published in: Dharamshala

Ad Content: मैं कुंभ दास दास सुपुत्र सामरु उम्र 66 वर्ष गाँव डढारा डाकखाना थैली - चकटी बड़ोग शिमला हिमाचल प्रदेश 172021 का स्थायी निवासी हुं | मैं यह घोषणा करता हूँ कि मैंने अपना नाम कुंभ दास ( पुराना नाम) से बदलकर कुम्भी राम ( नया नाम) रख लिया है | संबंधित सभी कृप्या नोट करें |

Matrimonial Ad in Divya Himachal
Published for: Matrimonial
Published in: Dharamshala

Ad Content: SM for Himachali Gupta boy December 1989 5'-5" MBA bank officer. Please send biodata. Contact 9318688772

Name Change Ad in Amar Ujala
Published for: Name Change
Published in: Dharamsala

Ad Content: I Indu Bala D/o Bachitrer Singh VPO Andora Upper, Tehsil Amb District Una Himachal Pradesh have changed my name to “INDERJEET KAUR” for all future purposes.

Name Change Ad in Divya Himachal
Published for: Name Change
Published in: Dharamshala

Ad Content: मैं, ख़ुशी भुनाल, गाँव टिक्करी डाकघर समीरपुर तहसील टौणीदेवी जिला हमीरपुर, हिमाचल प्रदेश घोषणा करती हूँ कि मेरे पिता का नाम मेरे 10वीं और 12वीं के प्रमाणपत्रों में ग़लत तरीके से Ravinder Bhunal के रूप में दर्ज है, जबकि उनका सही नाम Ravinder Kumar Bhunal है। 7 अक्टूबर 2024 को कार्यकारी मजिस्ट्रेट मुंबई सिटी द्वारा जारी हलफनामा देखें।

Why book Ad in Dharamshala Newspapers through has been trusted for over 12 years by more than 2 lakh customers for helping them post more than 10 lakh Advertisement in Newspapers across India through online Ad booking portal.

Ads2publish makes it easy to publish Classified & Display Ads in Dharamshala Newspapers!

Instant Advertisement Booking Online | Offers Lowest Ad Rates for Dharamshala Newspapers | Pay through convenient & secure Payment Options.